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Hi all

Friday again.  Hope you all had a great  week. 

This week I had a few topics in my head to write about...  However I felt that this one is the most relevant.

Why Quick Fixes  don't work!!

So summer holiday season is upon us.... holidays have  been booked.... suitcases at the ready... bikini out....leaving in a month!!!  
 TOP PRIORITY- get the BIKINI Body!!!! 

As a Personal  Trainer I see it all the time... Gym memberships double...PT enquiries roll in  and clients want more training.. This is great for business but I can guarantee  that within two months those eager exercise bunnies will not dawn the door of  the gym until the same time next year. 
So today what will I  cover? 
Why quick fixes don't work!

How this erratic  yo-yoing is bad for your health!

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle  with some tips and pointers!

Why quick fixes don't  work! 
I am sure that everyone has been in the same situation where  you want to get in shape for a special event or holiday.   Nothing will stop  you.. you will do anything to get there even if it resorts to the most  unrealistic temporary measures of crash diets, training or fad treatment.  Please Note I highlighted the word temporary!!! 

Definition-  Temporary-not permanent; not lasting.  
Everything temporary  has an end, whether its one week, month or year!  So what happens when it ends?  
Most of the time I am confronted by what I call the yoyo dieter  or exerciser and they tell me the same story.  They lose, they gain and gain  some more.   
Bottom line when you change your diet, you will see a  change.  The body naturally responds to change and then adapts until you make  another adjustment.  Yoyo dieters normally go on extreme diets that seriously 
limit calories and are not maintainable, therefore and when they give up, they 
tend to regain all the weight plus some more.  Not the ideal  situation. 
The same goes for seasonal exercisers, one month before  the big date
they will religiously be at the gym attending every class going,  then
thereafter you will probably never see them again until the following year.  
The point that I am trying to make is that there are NO QUICK 
.  Getting the shape that you want takes time, a lifestyle change and a 
strong mental approach.   
How this erratic yo-yoing is  bad for your health? 

I am a firm believer that if anything  provides a miracle quick fix there must be a catch somewhere, that may sound  pessimistic, but in fitness I have not seen a maintainable quick fix solution.  Gaining 15kgs will not happen in one month neither will losing it.   

Yoyo dieting is potentially dangerous long term for your health  and below I have highlighted some points!

Yoyo Diet- This is  defined as the repeated loss and regaining of ten pounds or more over a  five-year period, and is the result of unhealthy starvation dieting followed by  eating binges. 
Dangers and side effects of yo-yo  dieting 
Changes in Mood- dieting can alter the way we feel because  low levels of blood sugar, due to less carbohydrates being consumed this in turn  can affect the production of the brain chemical serotonin, which improves  mood. 
Yoyo Diets can effect self-esteem. A study presented  to this year's American Psychological Association's conference reported that  women who go on 'quick-fix' diets risk wrecking their marriages because their  husbands fail to understand the anxiety and obsession that accompany  dieting. 

Repeated patterns of weight loss and gain can  affect the strength of muscles, leading to poor muscle tone and, as a result,  weak muscles.  

A risk of premature death is also a side effect of  yo-yo dieting. Some studies have suggested that wide fluctuations in weight over  a relatively short period of time may raise a woman's blood pressure, possibly  leading to heart disease. 

Many low calorie diets result in  temporary vitamin and mineral
deficiencies, especially the B vitamins, as well  as iron and zinc.  A lack of
iron can result in skin problems, especially  dermatitis, anemia (a reduced
level of the oxygen-carrying pigment hemoglobin in  the blood). This can cause
listlessness, tiredness and fatigue as well as  headaches. 
Yo-yoing promotes weight gain because the body  responds by adapting to low
energy intakes, making it harder to lose weight and  easier to regain it on each

How to maintain a healthy  lifestyle with some tips and pointers! 

In conclusion, my advice to  any person is do NOT embark on a venture if it cannot be maintained or is NOT  enjoyable. 

I am firm believer that fitness/ exercise/ and healthy  diet is a way of life and the benefits outweigh that of a sedentary lifestyle.   

If you have a goal that you want to  achieve, whether its weight
loss, or a fitness goal set plans well in advance.  Take a slow approach. 
People who do this are more likely to achieve them the  goals set and maintain
the results thereafter. 
Choose and activity  that you enjoy.  If you hate something you will not maintain it!  This should  not be a chore! 
With nutrition- enjoy your food and take the  approach of everything in
moderation, allow yourself the food that you enjoy but  in moderation. 
Never get disheartened.  At some stage everyone  hits a plateau.  When this
happens the best thing to do is take a rest.  Do  something completely different
or consult a Fitness Professional (like Me :) ).  Who will be able to point you
in the right direction. 
Therefore  on that note..... If there is any questions , advice that you need drop me a  line and if I can help I will be more than happy to. 

Until next  week I hope you enjoyed the article and stay healthy.


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