Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill CalvertJill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert
Hi all Happy Friday.....

So my last few blogs have been mainly about
nutrition, so this week I decided to switch it up and discuss a topic that you
may have heard about but dont really know what it is or the wonderful benefits
from using it......


So lets see what I'll cover....

What are kettlebells ?
How they are used
Technical bits, safety and choosing your Kettlebell

What are Kettlebells?

Kettlebells originate from Russia and are a type of hand weight
that is shaped like a big  cannonball with a handle. They are mostly commonly
made out of pure cast iron, and range in weight from 10  pounds, all the way up
to 100 pounds. 

They have been around for many centuries. However in the past
decade have really made their way into the fitness industry.

How they are used?

Kettlebells are a multi functional piece of fitness equipment and you need little space to use them.  They can be used as traditional weights however, the reason why they are so popular is that they are great for shaping, burning fat and building the posterior chain through a variety of swinging and snatching movements.

They are unique due to their shape and distribution of mass which
allows you to move it freely and it allows you to keep your hand and wrists in
neutral alignment, which is difficult with traditional weights.  This in turn
will improve endurance and promote and longevity in the core lifts (swings,
clean and press, snatches) enabling and enhancing fitness 


Kettlebell training has many benefits to offer  those who use it
on a regular basis. These benefits include:

Improved Endurance
Total body strengthning
Increased flexibility
Decrease in fat levels
Little speace required to train
Can prevent for help back pain
Helps build the posterior chain muscles

You might be asking, what exactly is the posterior chain? 
Its one of the most important sets of muscles you have.  They include lowerback, the glutes, the hamstrings, and also the calves. Unfortunately the Posterior Chain is all to often neglected, why? Well because we don't see them, and a huge percentage of the population often live sedentary lifestyles.  A weak posterior chain can lead to various aches and pains plus a poor posture. Once you start strengthening the Posterior Chain you can expect to eliminate any lower back pain and have better posture.

Technical bits, safety and choosing your Kettlebell

When choosing your  Kettlebell you will need to know a few things about how a Kettlebell is used, it is best to speak to a qualified person regarding which weight and style is the best. The Kettlbell is a versatile piece of equipment and there are alot of good and bad models on the market.

As I mentioned there are many brands on the market all different materials.  I
recommend all clients to opt for the cast iron ones and when they are testing
them make sure that they can slide their hand through the handle portion of the bell as this will enable proper movement of the bell when carrying out lifts
such as snatches etc.

For me I have been using kettlebeels now for almost three years. I
have used them in my training and trained clients as well.  For me I seen the
benefits in shoulder strength and glute, hamstring and erector spinae

When I use them with clients especially here I have seen clients come who could not press 4kg to being able to snatch 12KG..... also the benefits for fat loss and also they are fun :)... But all in all the results were remarkable..... 

I hope that this article was of interest.  If you have any questions please drop me a line.

Until next week

Keep healthy




Hi all

Hope you had a or are having a great week.... Time for a new
question to be answered....

I have been asked this week.....

Will I not get HUGE muscles if I keep increasing my weights?????

in this blog I will cover

The science and how we build

Differences between Men and
What happens when we stop training.
Importance of weight training
for females.

How we build muscle

In order to build muscle we need the following ingredients- BLOOD, OXYGEN, HORMONES, CARBOHYDRATES, AND PROTEINS. The working muscles are comprised of- BUNDLES OF FAST-TWITCH  (type 1 T1 fibres AND SLOW-TWITCH FIBRES type 2 T2 Fibres). These fibres are different and will determine you shape.  YOu will find that person with high percentage of fast twitch fibres (designed for power and strength) will develop quicker and possibly grow bigger than a person with a higher percentage of slow
twitch fibres (designed for prolonged periods of work, endurance.  For example  a sprinter will have a higher percentage of fast twitch muscles in compared to a marathon runner.  YOu will also notice the different shapes between the two.


When we train with weights we activate the central nervous system. The fibres in your muscles receive nerve impulses and the muscle contracts, or shortens. The contraction occurs when there is a supply of BLOOD, OXYGEN glycogen, a form of stored CARBOHYDRATE, and PROTEIN that it uses for energy. Your muscle fibres convert chemical energy into mechanical energy, causing the muscle to contract.

As we continue to exercise the muscle we cause trauma and in a way damage it temporarily.  It is after the training is complete when we rest and recover and eat that the muscle mends and grows stronger.  It is only when there is adequate recovery and nutrition that this will happen.

This is how the muscle grows.

Why Women cannot pack on alot of Muscle

It is often repeated to me by ladies in
my club "i don't want BIG BULKY MUSCLES LIKE A MAN" So lets clear the situation

1. This is not possible naturally
for this to happen-
people may see Female bodybuilders with big muscle
and as such are turnt off the idea of training with weights in fear or looking
like this however.  It is often the case that Female Bodybuilders use  anabolic steroids to help build their muscular physique. Anabolic steroids are drugs and hormones that help muscle growth. The most often used drug is testosterone. Female bodybuilders often inject themselves with the testosterone hormone. This increases their testosterone to levels exceeding that of a healthy man.

Testosterone in high levels allows a woman to develop large muscles but  not without side-effects. The high levels of testosterone in female bodybuilders result in them having masculine characteristics. This include facial hair, squared jaw, deep voice and shrunken breasts.

  2. Women and Testosterone- 
A normal woman with no hormone imbalances will produce testosterone however in smaller amounts. "According to the International Menopause Society, a woman typically has 10 to 15 times less testosterone levels than a man." Testosterone is a muscle-building hormone. Testosterone builds and preserves muscle. Rest assured Ladies women have just enough testosterone to allow them to sustain muscles for everyday life. Therefore when it comes to building BIG BULKY muscle it is very hard.

What happens when we stop training.
Another fear that women and men have is that when you start training with weights and develop great look lean muscles is that... WHAT IF I STOP??? WILL IT TURN TO FAT??? Bottom line NO....

I ask you can wood turn to metal????
What happens when we improve our looks through weight training is that the
muscle becomes more visible not because the fat has converted to muscle but.
through the training the fat has been burnt, shredded and the underlying muscles are now visible.  

So just as when we lose fat we can lose muscle, and this will happen if you stop training.  What also happens is that you will probably maintain the same diet as you did when you were training therefore.... if we lose muscle or resting metabolism will slow as well, becausethe more lean muscle we have means more calories are lost at rest.  Just to be clear it is not the muscle that has turnt to fat.  You will have lost the muscle and gained the fat.

Importance of weight training for females.

For me the list is endless for the benefits of strength training.  It has both Physiological and psychological benefits.  Here are few of many.

Can help reduce the rick of Type 2 Diabetes

Body fat will decrease

Lean tissue will increase

Blood pressure will be lower

Strength increases

Increased bone density-  this is very important for women especially as they get older.

Improved intellectual capacity and  productivity- motor skills will improve, co-ordination
Can help aid sleep
Psychological Benefits

Look and feel better = Happier outlook

Improved confidence

Can help control depression: 

Decreased stress- can be a vent from your normal routine

Well Guys I hope that you enjoyed the article as much as I enjoyed putting
it together and hope that it reduces some reservations that you might have

So until next week...HAPPY LIFTING :)

Hi All

So another week another Blog and this week I am looking at
CALORIES... I will cover

What are Calories???
Differences in
How many Calories do I need???
A Few Myths and

Calories is the top topic that I find myself talking to all my clients about!!!! The question asked always is......Calories... How many do I need to lose weight-fat????

The answer is of course is  1. A calorie controlled diet and 2. Exercise.  However I always stress that it is not just calories......equally As important is where we obtain these calories from.  Where the calories come from will effect how you lose weight and how you feel when losing weight. 

Sounds confusing and to a certain extent it is.... So I hope after reading this you will be a little clearer on the matter.
What is a calorie.

A calorie is a unit of energy.  In order to survive,breathe, move, pump blood we need energy and we get this from our food.

The number of calories in a food is a measure of how much potential energy that food possesses. Food is made up of Marconutrients, carbohydrate, protein and fat......

Difference in Calories- Not all calories are equal

Carbohydrates - 1gram = 4 Calories
Fat - 1 gram = 9 Calories
Protein -
1 gram = 4 Calories
Alcohol - 1 gram = 7 Calories - this is not a nutrient it is a toxin which is broken down and stored also as energy.

As you can see fat yields the most calories per gram.  You should not be scared of fat, it is essential that body gets GOODs fats these are un and polyunsaturated, best to stay clear from trans and saturated fats.

Our bodies "burn" the calories through metabolic processes.

Carbohydrates are converted into glucose and other sugars,
Fats are converted into glycerol and fatty acids,
Proteins are converted into amino acids.

These molecules are then transported through the bloodstream to the cells, where they are either absorbed for immediate use or stored as energy.

When the body does not need the energy immediately the excess energy is stored in the muscles and liver for a later time.  If it is not being used and constantly being topped up this is when we put on weight.

How Many Calories do I need???

The million dollar question.....

Many factors effect how many calories your body needs.  These include

•Basal Energy Requirement your BMR. This is the minimum amount of energy needed by the body at rest in the fasting state, to survive and keep your bodily function working. It is affected by such things as age, gender, pregnancy, body composition, nutritional status, sleep, climate, and fever.

Physical Activity. The amount of calories needed for physical activity depends on the type of activity or work, the intensity and the duration.

•The type of food you eat- how long it takes to be broken down and absorbed into the body.  As we discussed before if you eat and equal amount of calories from fat protein and carbohydrate the rate at which they are broken down will vary.  Carbohydrate will be quickly broken down, thereafter protein and fat.  Protein and fat therefore leave you feeling fuller for longer and do not have a rapid effect on your blood sugar levels. Which in turn may help aid weight loss as you generally cannot eat a lot of protein as you can carbohydrate... For example its very easy to eat 3-4 slices of bread but could you eat 3 cans of tuna????  

Here are a few myths regarding calories.....

1. Your body burns either fat or carbs depending on the intensity of
your activity?

Myth -  We often hear slow and steady exercise will help you burn fat, there is a small truth in this however at the end of the day the more calories you burn the overall effect on calories out will be greater and contribute to a greater weight loss.  The body will use both carbohydrate and fat simultaneously just at different ratios.   However if there is a limited supply of an energy source then of course it will utilize the other more.

2. Carbohydrates (or sugars) cause weight

Carbohydrates do not cause weight gain unless they
contribute to excess calorie intake.  However, some people who eat a diet that
is extremely high in carbohydrates and low in protein and fat get hungry sooner,
which may trigger overeating so extra calories= extra weight.

3. There are negative calorie foods.

We have heard of negative calorie foods... These are foods that you can eat that will cause you to burn off more calories than you take in. While there is no question that there are definitely very low calorie foods, such as celery and cucumber...but The fact of the matter is that you'll never actually burn more calories digesting a food than what you take in.  I can say though that eating these ultra low calorie foods is a wise idea  as it can speed up the rate of fat loss due to hunger control.

Well guys I hope that you enjoyed the article and if you
have any questions again drop me a line.  There has been some great feedback
coming through so THANKYOU ALL...

Until next week.... Stay healthy


PS Congratulations to my group of TRX ladies who in one month
lost a MASSIVE 30cm in total for their bodies.

Also a certain client Mrs Adams who had hit that plateau.... she lost 14cm in one month from her body after a change in program and small tweak to the diet.....

Well done ladies .... Biggest loser Riyadh watch out....xxx
Hi all its Friday again and time for a new topic..


Considerations ad Modifications

Pregnancy is one of the most rewarding and challenging time for a women's
body.  There are so many changes in hormones, appetite and image of course.
However after 9 months a magical creation will be here....

So in light of a number of friends and members at my gym that are pregnant I
have decided write this blog.....

Benefits of Exercising when Pregnant

It boosts mood, improves sleep, and reduces pregnancy aches and pains.

It also prepares you for childbirth by strengthening muscles and building

It  is much easier to get back in shape after your baby's born if you
have been exercising throughout.

Considerations and Modifications to training

There are many things to keep in mind when you are  exercising during
pregnancy. You do not want to engage in sports or activities  that
could lead to a fall or a hit to your abdomen. 
Avoid lying flat on your back, especially during the  fist trimester, because
this could result in dizziness because of reduced blood  flow.

Heart rate is a major concern for exercising mothers. The American Pregnancy
Association reports that pregnant women should never  allow their heart
rates to exceed 140 beats per minute. When your heart beats that fast, the baby
doesn't receive as much oxygen, according to BabyCenter. 

Body Temperature- It's easier for your body to overheat when you're
pregnant, even in early pregnancy when you have a small belly, says BabyCenter. Body temperatures of 103 degrees or more may increase your baby's risk for birth defects, so stop exercising if you suddenly feel very warm. Avoid saunas, hot tubs and steam rooms and stay well hydrated.

 Recommended Exercises
Exercises  like swimming, walking and yoga (some moves) are great because they're gentle on the joints, don't  raise your body temperature too much and provide cardiovascular and strength  training benefits. Low-impact aerobic activities like dancing, hiking and  exercise classes can all be safe options as long as you plan ahead and know your  limits.

What to Avoid
Avoid exercises that require you to hold your breath.
Also avoid yoga poses or exercises that
require  you to lay on our back after the first trimester.

Extreme dangerous sports.


Some people believe that when you are pregnant you are now eating for
two.  Energy requirement varies among individuals. Unfortunately, pregnancy
is not the ice-cream-free-for-all as we would like it to be. It is generally
recommended that pregnant women increase their daily intake by 100 calories in
the first trimester and 300 calories in the second and third trimester. For
instance, an extra snack before bedtime consisting of a fruit, a serving of milk
or yogurt and a few biscuits is often enough. A daily prenatal multivitamin
supplement is often recommended during pregnancy.

Well again thankyou for your time reading this article I hope you enjoyed
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Stay Healthy... Until next week :) Jill

Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert Jill Calvert