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Hi Fit Fam

I hope that you had a great week filled with good training and healthy eating.

Today’s blog is focused more on Ladies, sorry Gents.  I am not alone and can speak for most PTs in saying that one of the main reasons why female clients cancel sessions, is due to their monthly menstruation (period).  
Unfortunately its human nature, and ladies we will have these from teens to adulthood!!!  There is no escaping them.   You should try not to let them ruin normal life!!! 
Albeit everyone is individual and there are specific cases where
periods can effect normal living, but for the most that’s not the case!!!!

I often get asked should I exercise during my period.  What type of exercise

So today I will cover….

What happens to the body at that time?
Tackling the Cramps?
Should you exercise, and what type of exercise?

What happens to the body at that time?

Menstruation is a woman's monthly bleeding. When we menstruate, our bodies shed the lining of the womb (uterus). Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days.  Regular menstrual cycles indicates that important parts of your body are
working normally. It also prepares your body for pregnancy each month. The
average menstrual cycle is 28 days long.

During and possibly prior to your period you may experience some not nice symptoms…..

•        Cramping, bloating, and sore breasts,
•        Water retention- this is one of the reasons why we may weigh heavier just before and during menstruation
•        Pelvic pressure
•        Backache
•        Food cravings
•        Difficulty concentrating
•        Mood swings and irritability
•        Headache and fatigue

With all these symptoms the thought of exercise may not be the most appealing, I understand but I also understand the importance of consistency
in training!

Tackling Cramps

The main and most complained about side effect of the monthly P is cramps.  Below I have listed some tips on how to cope with them.

Exercise… YES research shows that carrying out regular exercise and exercising during your period can alleviate the symptoms.

Ensure that you sleep well.

Supplements such as magnesium and B1 may reduce the symptoms.

Exercise such as yoga and meditation can help.

Not a favorite of mine, but painkillers may also help.

Hot baths to ease cramps may also help.

Should you exercise, and what type of exercise?

Here is my advice….

Listen to your body.
Try and continue to exercise, Yes I understand it can be uncomfortable however it is equally as important to exercise!  You may just need to
reduce the intensity of the session.
Exercises such as walking, yoga and moderate strength training are great.  
If you can.. then do it… speak with your trainer… they will understand, they are well equipped to modify the session to suit your energy levels.
Stay well hydrated.
Eat well as sugar levels tend to be lower during you period resulting in light headedness and feeling tired.

This was a simple and honest blog and I think that it is always good to go over the small things that can make a BIG difference…

Until next week

Stay Healthy

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