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Cross Section picture of Cellulite.
Hi all

Hope you had a great week.  This week I have been requested by one of my SUPER clients to write a little bit about Cellulite.  So I will cover

What is Cellulite?
Causes of Cellulite
Prevention and improving Cellulite
Cellulite Treatment

What Is Cellulite?

First of all there are two types of fat in the body-

Subcutaneous- fat that lies under the skin required for protection and heat, and

Visceral - this is the fat that lies deep in the abdominal area and surrounds the vital organs.

SO what exactly is CELLULITE -  Cellulite is a form of subcontanius fat.  It looks like small dimples under the skin.  It ismost commonly deposited around the thighs, bum and abdomen and occurs normally after puberty if is often categorised under three categories 1, 2, and 3.   Cellulite is caused when fat deposits that sit side-by-side under the skin grow bigger and bulge out.  This is due to the connective tisssue changing shape and stretching causing the fat cells to protrude.    It is more prevalent as we age due to the skin thinning.

It is often believed that only overweight people get Cellulite, this is not the case, even thin people get it as everyone has subcutaneous fat under the skin. However 'yo-yo dieting which stretches the  connective tissue in your skin and makes cellulite worse.

Difference between men and women.  Unfortunately women tend to
have more cellulite than men due to different hormones in the body that
contribute to cellulite.  

 Causes of Cellulite

 The causes of cellulite are not well understood,  but there are several theories that have been put forth as explanations. Among  these are: 

Hormonal factors - hormones likely play an important role in 
cellulite development. Many believe estrogens, insulin, noradrenalin, thyroid 
hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process. 

Genetics - certain genes are required for cellulite development.  Genes may predispose an individual to particular characteristics
associated with  cellulite, such as gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution
of fat just  underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.

 Diet - people who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, or salt and too little fibre are  likely to have greater amounts of cellulite. 

Lifestyle factors - cellulite may be more prevalent in smokers,
those  who do not exercise, and those who sit or stand in one position for long
periods  of time

Clothing - underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks (limiting  blood flow) may contribute to the formation of cellulite

Prevention and improving Cellulite

 So we now know a little bit more about cellulite and the question that is still and always on you mind is .... HOW DO I GET RID OF IT???

There are weird and wonderful ways that have been suggested ranging

Therapeutic methods that are physical  or mechanical include pneumatic massages, massages that stimulate lymphatic  flow, heat therapy, ultrasound, radio frequency therapy, magnetic therapy,  radial waves therapy,
Endermologie, and electrical stimulation. However, there  is no solid evidence
that these methods are effective.

Drug that are supposed to act on fatty tissues and reduce visibility. 

Special clothing called compression garments to  reduce the appearance of cellulite. These garments try to compress arteries and  increase blood and lymph flow to reduce visual cellulite.


Healthy Eating and exercise.

Cellulite Treatment

Is this the answer surgery????  Not so. Even if you can afford the
£3000 price tag, it may not even remove that  cottage cheese-like cellulite. In 
fact, the sugery itself may impair your circulatory and lymphatic system, leaving it worse than before!!!

Some bad news.... with all of the above methods stating to banish
it.... none have been scientific proven.  Although some may improve it a little.
Remember cellulite is mostly fat that has been damaged and is the result of poor circulation and  drainage.

Also sorry Ladies as we we age (gracefully :) we  tend to be less active, put on
weight and the skin thins.  In turn, fat cells get bigger, supporting
fibres stretch, circulation  decreases, more fluid gets trapped and the puckering effect makes cellulite more  obvious.

Exercise and a heathy diet can improve cellulite.  Although it won't get rid of it.   Exercise improves circulation, removes excess fluid and tones  muscles, means that skin will look smoother, regardless of the cellulite.

Some helpful tips and changes

Improve your diet- try to include coloured fruit and vegetables,
especially broccoli and  blueberries, along with fish oil in your diet, while
steering clear of junk food  and artificial sweeteners. Include more essential
fatty acids, like Omega 3 and 6, these are also anti-inflammatory and reduce  cells sticking together.'

Exercise more and be - as it improves circulation and keeps bodyfat down.

Well Guys I hope that you enjoyed this article. 

My next article will be in two week as I will be travelling next
week.....  :)

So until then keep healthy


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