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So its Friday again... Time to talk PROTEIN......

What is Protein?  Why is it important?  How much do you need?    Do you need to take a Protein supplement?  Lets investigate



Protein is a long chain of 22 amino acids which are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen which join together and form
different structures which form different types of protein that the body needs
e.g. collagen. Protein is an essential requirement for the body function
efficiently.  These amino acids are further broken down into essential and non
essential amino acids.  Non essential ones can be produced by the body and the
essential ones are derived from food that we eat. 


Protein is required by the body for the growth, maintenance and repair of all  cells. For example when we exercise the muscle fibres are damaged and in order to repair and grow stronger we need adequate protein to do this.Protein is the main component of  all muscles, tissues and organs and is vital for
practically every process that  occurs within the body such as metabolism,
digestion and the transportation of  nutrients and oxygen in the blood.
It is also necessary for the production of antibodies, which prevents illness.  It is the main nutrient that keeps our hair shiny and  healthy, our nails strong, our skin fresh and glowing and our bones strong and  healthy. 

This is a question that I get asked all the time.  Within the fitness
industry you will hear different numbers.  It is important to remember  Protein
is an important part of our daily diet and it should be consumed every 
day.  Expert nutritionists recommend us that 10 - 15% of our calorie intake should be  made up of protein.

The official RDA for adult men and women is 0.35 -. 5g for each lb of body weight per day, about 55-75 grams of protein for a 150 pound person.

However if you are an active and regular exerciser or athlete Fitness
Professionals may recommend
eating  up to 1 gram of protein per pound
for the best performance and health. Also when you are trying to lose fat the amount of protein may increase.  Depending on your body fat percentage the ratio of Carbohydrate Fat and Protein will be different.  In order to lose fat you may need to increase
healthy fats and proteins and decrease carbohydrate.  This information is
something that I discuss with my clients and devise for them a tailored
nutrition program to fit THEIR BODY. 


Now a days it seems that everyone is using or talking about taking Protein Shakes, I myself take them daily.  Bottom line is if you reach your protein requirement through whole food then NO its not essential to take a protein shakes.  But sometimes its easier to take a shake the eat a chicken breast or a can of tuna....

If you are training hard and looking to lose body fat and tone up, I feel and have seen with clients who include protein shakes in their daily diet pre and post workout see the biggest results.  The results are in the form of fat loss a quicker recovery rate. 

There are many types of protein powders on the market today.  You will be able to find one to suit your requirement whether it be, fat loss, muscle gain or maintenance.  Also protein shakes contain many different types of protein in varying amounts. They may include: 


  • Milk

  • Whey

  • Casein

  • Egg

  • Soy
The difference between these proteins is how they are purified during manufacturing.  Each one may affect how well your body can digest and absorb its amino acids. For example Casein is a slow digesting protein and absorb slower than Whey into the bloodstream. 

I hope that you found this article informative?  If you have any questions leave a comment or contact me directly via the homepage. 

Also If you want a question answered drop me a line and we can look at it in the next blog....


Protien- Chain of Amino Acids
9/21/2012 05:52:47 pm

kudos! A trustworthy blog, thanks for putting an effort to publish this information. very informative and does exactly what it sets out to do. thumbs up! :)

Joseph Aidan

11/11/2012 07:19:20 pm

Very informative.
My question is, what is the best type of protein shakes that would be more effective to reduce the fat and build muscle?.

Thank you,

Jill Calvert
11/12/2012 12:27:58 am

Dear Saher

Thankyou for you reply. Regarding your question.

If you wish to lose weight and maintain muscle and want to include protein shakes in your diet then, I would recommend a good quality 100 percent Pure Whey Protein. Look for ones that have minimal carbohydrate per scoop.

Hope this helped :)

Stay Healthy



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